Frequently Asked Questions

Where Do I Pick Up the Orders?

The information will be on the WhatsApp Group Chat.

When does the Order Window Close for Lunch/Dinner?

Orders can be made anytime while available on the website

At what time does Zesty Open and Close?

M-Th 9am - 7pm

Fr 9am - 3pm

How Can I Contact Zesty Delight?

Phone: 740-469-3789 (740-46-ZESTY)


What time can I pick-up my Order?

Please make sure your order is Fulfilled before arriving to the location

Lunch: After 12:45pm

Dinner: After 5:30pm

Bakery: 11am - 6:30pm

Shabbat Dips and Friday Orders: Friday 12pm - 3pm

How Can I be Added to the WhatsApp Group?

Please join by following the link below:

When I arrive to the location, where do I pick up the Order?

Go to the left garage door and ring the doorbell.

Do you accept Same Day Orders for Lunch/Dinner?

Yes, until Sold Out on the Website

Is pre-ordering required?

We recommend pre-ordering to ensure availability, orders may be made while supplies last and available on the website.

Please note the offered dates on the Menu

When are Shabbat Dip Orders available?

Orders may be placed everyday and they will be ready on Friday between 12pm - 3pm, You will be notified when ready

When you state Mezonot, is it for Ashkenazim as well?

Yes, unless stated otherwise.

Are Pareve items Meat Equipment?

No, we have 2 separate Kitchens

What's the Shchita on the Chicken and Meat?

Chicken is Shor Habor/CHK
Meat is Glatt Kosher, Usually CHK
Ground Beef is Glatt Kosher
(CHK will be stated on the Website near each applicable meal)

Can I eat my Pareve Meals with dairy?

Yes, they are made in Pareve Equipment

Does Zesty Delight offer Dairy Meals?

No, we have a Pareve and Meat Establishment